A Benediction for the Day-After-Easter

Resurrection Sunday is one day a year, what to make of the remaining 364? What to do on a day like, today? On a day like, tomorrow? And, the day after that? Two Words: Practice Resurrection. May you, for the next 364 days, Practice Resurrection.

May you practice resurrection by believing.

Believe in the depths of your soul that you are loved, forgiven, valued and you did nothing to earn any of it. You couldn’t even if you tried. You just are.

May you practice resurrection by loving.

Love your neighbor and your enemy. Welcome your friends and the stranger. May your home have crowded tables and standing-room-only living spaces.

May you practice resurrection by savoring.

Savor the gift of life. Smile. Belly laugh until you cry. Inhale. Exhale. Breathe. Slow down. May you remember, all is grace.

May you practice resurrection by doing.

Do what is good and right. Act Justly. Love Mercy. Walk Humbly. May that Kingdom life, come to life, in your life.

May you practice resurrection by speaking.

Speak the truth; wrap it up in love. May words of blessing flow from your lips into the lives of everyone. May they be words in season that breathe life into discouraged hearts.

May you practice resurrection by confessing.

Confess that you are not perfect, for you are not God. Down with pretense. Yes to embracing the truth that the path towards spiritual maturity is a construction zone. Forgiveness will be required. Ask for it and grant it often.

May you practice resurrection by living.

Live your life like everything you heard, read, and declared yesterday were actually true. Live like Jesus died, live in the victory of the resurrection and live like Jesus will return. Amen.

Until next year, Practice Resurrection. 

Thank you to Wendell Berry for coining the beautiful words, “Practice Resurrection”